十大网络彩票平台大全开了个好头, with students 和 faculty settling into the routine of a new academic year 和 plenty of exciting events happening on campus. 周一, 8月28日, the newest members of our community gathered with the 6 class for the traditional Old Girl/New Girl dinner.
在周五, 9月1日, class spirit was on full display as each class performed an original song 和 an original cheer before the annual Boat Regatta, 每个班级都设计了一艘主题纸板船,在校园池塘里比赛. 的 5s won the race with the best-themed boat; followed by the 3s, who also won the best song. 的 4s came in third place 和 won the best cheer; the 6s finished last, 但这是团队合作和阶级自豪感的伟大展示. 的 Carnival 和 Cookout followed with giant inflatables set up for students on the softball field, 在格里露天剧场看一场户外电影是结束这个夜晚的完美方式.
欢迎所有的新成员和回归的圣. 蒂莫西学校社区. It was great to see the campus abuzz with excitement this past weekend as we began the academic year with orientation 和 opening weekend activities, 包括召开.
十大网络彩票平台大全的客座演讲者,大卫·伊格内修斯,非常有名 华盛顿邮报》 专栏作家, 外交事务作家, 和作者, 为新学年的开始分享鼓舞人心的讲话. 他谈到了新的开始以及十大网络彩票平台大全的校训, " Verite Sans Peur "或" Truth Without Fear ", 转化为十大网络彩票平台大全的日常生活,甚至超越了圣. 盖的. 当十大网络彩票平台大全寻求真理时,十大网络彩票平台大全不能让恐惧麻痹十大网络彩票平台大全. 这是一个重要的提醒,当十大网络彩票平台大全开始另一个富有成效的, 健康的, 成功的学年.
St. 蒂莫西餐厅以其传奇的春假旅行而闻名, as students 和 families who joined us for Spring Break in Morocco this past March can attest. We're already taking reservations for next year's big adventure: Spring Break 2024 in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) with Mr. 史蒂文斯博士. 玛莎. 由校友拥有的Worldstrides计划, 十大网络彩票平台大全的行程将包括许多迪拜地标, 包括巴斯塔基亚区, 蓝色露天市场, 遗产村庄, 伊斯兰文明博物馆, 香料市场, 和迪拜滑雪公园, 以及在阿布扎比和沙迦探索阿布扎比卢浮宫的时间, 骆驼市场, 谢赫扎耶德大清真寺, 希利花园等. 明年的行程将从3月9日持续到2024年3月17日. 像往常一样,欢迎家人和朋友前来! 现在准备好注册了? 联系 Ms. 莱斯利Pohlman (lpohlman@2714444.com).
在星期五的集会时间, 3月31日, IB艺术系六年级学生展示了艺术灵感, 理论, 和 creative processes behind their exhibited work before inviting the student body to view their work in the 6 Art Exhibit, 在汉娜莫尔学院美术馆展出. It was fascinating to learn about each student's artistic journey 和 exciting to see their finished pieces close up. 点击这里 观看一个快速的展览视频.
2023年年度可穿戴艺术时装秀将于2月24日举行, 今年的主题, 进化型设计,was inspired by the unique characteristics of various species of flora 和 fauna (both physical 和 behavioral attributes of a species). Fashion Show participants included students who participated in Fashion Show as a winter sport 和 also those taking MYP5 Art classes as an academic course unit. 学生们通过大卫·阿滕伯勒的书了解了一些想法 地球 系列,他们研究了一个选定的物种,这将为他们的设计提供信息. 的re were three kingdoms of life represented in the designs in our show: plant, animal, 和 fungi.
学生们使用各种各样的材料来建造他们的作品, most of which consisted of upcycled clothing 和 fabrics that were entirely transformed 和 reconstructed. 学生们还采用了替代材料, 从鸡丝结构的例子, 吸管作为点缀, 通过层层叠放乳胶手套来获得质感!
十大网络彩票平台大全的 模拟联合国俱乐部 attended 的 American University Model United Nations Conference (AmeriMUNC) on February 3 to 6, a three-day conference hosted by American University for high school students on the university's campus in Washington, DC. 女孩们喜欢提前研究她们的作业, 参加危机委员会, 与其他学校的学生建立友谊, 并开始体验大学彩票平台大全的味道.
St. 盖的 students attended the Baltimore Girls’ Schools Leadership Coalition (BGSLC) meeting on February 7, 与学生事务副主任刘先生. Najee Evans和STT校友导师Alisa Bralove-Scherr ' 96. 该项目旨在培养圣路易斯市学生的领导力. 蒂莫西和十大网络彩票平台大全地区其他五所受人尊敬的女子学校, holds four engaging evening meetings annually that the Deans of Students of the participating schools expertly craft. 的se sessions feature experienced mentors who are alumnae of the schools who share their knowledge 和 guidance with the students.
在十大网络彩票平台大全每周的星期五集会上,本周 6 participated in our annual CAS Assembly, presenting different aspects of their IB Diploma Program's 创意、活动及服务(CAS) 对挑战、回报和从中吸取的教训进行反思. 一些第六代人分享了他们的创意渠道,比如数字艺术, 弹奏乐器, 写博客, 和编排. Others highlighted examples of the wide range of activity experiences promoting personal physical health from hiking, 跳舞, 团队运动, 甚至是物理治疗.
的 diversity of service learning experiences was incredible 和 constituted the bulk of the assembly time. 6型人在网上和面对面的场合都找到了机会, 以及在美国和国外的当地社区. 他们和人们一起工作, 组织, 动物, 还有环境, 和 the inherent reciprocity of service learning was well evidenced in their presentations.
今晚的巴尔的摩爆炸队职业男子室内足球比赛,十大网络彩票平台大全的 Moongates 唱诗班在晚会开始时用歌声使观众欢呼雀跃 星条旗. 的 soccer fans could not get over the Moongates' beautiful rendition of our national anthem, which drew roaring applause 和 plenty of compliments -- including a few fist bumps from the Blast players! 女孩们享有当晚的贵宾地位, 其中包括在场边观看部分比赛的机会. 点击这里观看视频.
St. 蒂莫西学院以其世界语言系的实力而闻名, 通过对十大网络彩票平台大全教室的深入观察,很容易就能明白其中的原因.
在这些照片中,索非亚K. 23年,露西安娜·C. '25 和 Jackie CA '25 are captured delivering a presentation about Historia de Una Escalera, a play by Antonio Buero Vallejo students recently studied in our Spanish Language 和 Literature class.
克拉拉H. '23, is pictured explaining in Spanish how commercials have changed over the years with this example from the 1920s.
We acquire new vocabulary 和 learn about global cultures in many interesting 和 creative ways! 中国学生,托勒尼B. 24年,纽利·C. 1924年,Abha P. '24 are learning the greetings in Chinese for the Chinese New Year from this video of a Chinese boy. 然后大人们会给年轻人发红包.
如图所示的合作项目,Kiera C. 25和纳丁一世. 22人在法语课上一起学习, 学生参与学习并变得自信的另一种方法是阅读吗, 写作, 用非母语说话.
今天是土拨鼠日, 宾夕法尼亚州的普克托尼克菲尔预测冬季天气还会持续六周, 但圣. 蒂莫西的桃子认为他错了. 过去一周, Peaches has started shedding her thick winter coat in preparation for spring -- 和 STT students Nadya L. 24岁的凯特琳·H. 在这个过程中,24人帮助她保持皮毛的光泽!
庆祝农历新年, 烘焙俱乐部的学生们在下议院与厨师埃文一起学习烘焙幸运饼干. 的 activity included 写作 out custom "fortunes" on strips of paper to carefully insert while h和-forming each cookie's shape just before the dough hardened. 点击这里 看食谱和说明.
在这里,十大网络彩票平台大全热爱十大网络彩票平台大全的传统,每年的大学篮球vs. 布林莫尔的比赛总是令人兴奋的. 被认为是美国持续时间最长的高中篮球比赛, 今天是ststv的年会. 布林莫尔的第120年很容易享受. Not only did STT earn the honor of keeping the championship bowl for another season with a conference 43-24 win, but also it was wonderful to watch how our visitors were welcomed: with the national anthem sung beautifully by Moongate Abha P. '24, 特别游戏节目, 好脾气的欢呼, 比赛结束后,双方都要吃甜食(这一传统可以追溯到1901年). 球员们和球迷们,你们都让十大网络彩票平台大全感到骄傲.
的 环保俱乐部 has been preparing some l和 between the horse pastures 和 the Lane for a Monarch butterfly garden. 的 Monarch butterfly garden will serve as a waystation that will provide a resting point as the butterflies migrate during the year. 寻找环境俱乐部在春天种植马利筋塞!